Articles by Ruth Searle
Why cat people and dog people's personalities match those of their pet
People's personalities often have more in common with their dog or cat than their friends, and now we know why owners and their animals are such a purr-fect match: Link to article
10 Crazy facts about mirrors: Link to article
This Marine Biology course aims to give a comprehensive grounding in the fascinating subject of life in the sea.
Throughout the 10 fully illustrated modules, the learner will experience and learn about many aspects of oceanography and marine biology such as how oceans are born and die and how life began and evolved in the sea over the past 4 million years.
The ocean is looked at as an ecological habitat and the amazing evolutionary adaptations of aquatic animals to the harsh marine environment. The course explores the ocean habitats from the poles to the equator and from the sunlit surface of the sea to the deep, dark depths of the ocean. Finally the human impact and influence on the marine ecosystem is discussed.
MARINE ZOOLOGY: advanced level 3
Ruth Searle PhD
This Marine Zoology Course gives students a thorough grounding in the subject of marine life from the evolution of life in the oceans to the amazing adaptations to the harsh marine environment.
It covers marine invertebrates and vertebrates from the smallest zooplankton to the largest animals that ever lived and explores how all marine life is linked within food webs.
The course covers the extraordinary marine adaptations of animals living in the sea and discusses the threats to marine life and how we can conserve our oceans.
This Advanced Level 3 Diploma course is suitable for anyone with an interest in marine life and is valuable preparation for anyone wishing to pursue a career in marine zoology.

MARINE BIOLOGY: advanced level 3
Ruth Searle PhD
Marine Biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviours and interactions with the environment.
This 6 module Marine Biology course has been specifically designed for those interested in working or volunteering in the many different areas of marine biology.
The course explores the ocean as a habitat and the fascinating diversity of animals that live in the marine environment.
Students will gain an understanding of oceanography as well as the important areas of the sea such as tropical coral reefs, mangroves, the polar regions, shores, estuaries and the deep sea.
This course also investigates the threats that impact the oceans and how we can preserve the ocean as an important habitat.
Anyone 18 or over and studying the Marine Biology Diploma Course is eligible for ZSL (Zoological Society of London) Fellowship.
Diet and Nutrition: advanced course
Grace Butters
This course has been designed to educate students about all aspects of weight management and weight reduction. The qualification takes a scientific approach, allowing students to discover the physiological and evolutionary theories behind weight loss in humans. Students will assess how factors such as stress, genetics and exercise affect our ability to shed unwanted weight.
On top of this, students will study the carbohydrate hypothesis, the role of insulin and debunk medical myths that surround weight loss. They will also analyse and discuss current scientific reasoning behind obesity and weight loss. Spread over 12 engaging modules, this home study course is the perfect way to get ahead in the field of nutrition.

Ruth Searle PhD

evolution and ecology in the ocean
In this undergraduate level book we look at the beautiful coral reefs and mangrove swamps of the tropics. We study coral anatomy and growth and look at their global distribution and ecology. We discover the geological aspects of coral reef formation and look at how simple coral animals evolved throughout their geological history. We look at the delicate symbiotic relationships between the tiny reef organisms and their coral hosts and at the marvelous array of coral reef fishes and their ecology.
The book is a comprehensive review of the tropical marine environment suitable for those wishing to read about the subject in more depth than is generally covered in books and also for students wishing to learn about tropical marine environments as a preparation for undergraduate level study or as additional reading for marine biology and general biology courses.
The book covers the following topics: • The structure of corals • The distribution and zonation of coral reefs • Distribution of corals worldwide • Reef formation • The diversity of coral reefs • Disturbance to coral reefs • Associated species • Symbiotic relationships • The threats to coral reefs • Mangrove forests • Conservation management

The number of people with some form of shyness has increased, and research now suggests that up to 50% of people experience shyness or social anxiety. This fascinating exploration of evolutionary psychology and the brain aims to show that shyness and introversion is a naturally evolved human trait and that shyness – rather than being a problem should be celebrated as the gift it is.
Topics include:
Ways to increase self-confidence and self-esteem
Body language
Practical ways to overcome shyness in social situations
Techniques to cope with social anxiety, including behavioural therapy Tips for meeting and interacting with new people
How to have a successful conversation
Finding a romantic partner
In this warm and comprehensive guide, Ruth Searle PhD, biologist, writer and former nurse, shows that being shy can be something to enjoy rather than to fear.
‘Excellent Read! Really takes the subject apart in a logical sequential way using language that is easily accessible while very well researched and up to date. Having shyness in the title makes the book seem a little lightweight and unsophisticated but it is anything but.’ Amazon reviewer (1st edition)
This fascinating book uses a powerful new approach - neuropsychology - to help you find the freedom to live the life you want. Drawing on the science of the brain and behaviour, it explores how the living brain works, the nature of consciousness and of reality itself. The Thinking Person's Guide to Happiness will help you to harness the power of your mind and brain to identify your true desires for life. By directing your focus, you can make those changes you need to and realize your heartfelt dreams.
Topics include:
Understanding how your brain thinks
Identifying your goals and finding your true path
Changing ingrained belief systems and mind blocks
How to focus and persist
Turning thought into reality
The power of your subconscious
Staying motivated and coping with setbacks
Out of print

Are you looking for freedom, success, happiness and purpose in your life?
Life is too short to and precious to muddle through, achieving less than we are capable of and settling for less than we deserve. This fascinating book will help you to harness natural laws to help you succeed, find your dreams and reach for your highest aspirations.
Transform self-imposed limitations into the mastery of achieving personal freedom, love and fulfillment. Learn how to plan for success, to be happy ‘right now’ and find your own unique purpose in life.
This inspiring yet practical lifestyle guide carries a big message!

This little book offers insight into our world with the help of a litter of kittens and their mum.
Ruth Searle shares some of her personal philosophy on life through her observation of her cats. It's full of cute and funny photos of the kittens as they are growing up along with pertinent quotes from some of the great thinkers in history.
This is a little book with a big message and some thought provoking observations.
The little book of wisdom FROM OUR CATS

Break Free of Compulsive Overeating and Bulimia and Love Yourself Better
Compulsive overeating and bulimia disorders affects an estimated 30 percent of the population in the UK. As well as obesity, common results include shame, guilt and social distress, while physical complications include the risk of fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes and some cancers as well as a host of unpleasant symptoms. A psychological approach to overeating can be an effective form of treatment. But in this practical book, Ruth Searle also examines the physical and physiological causes of the disorder which are often overlooked.
The topics covered include: • Understanding how the modern diet contributes to food addiction • The motivations for eating and drinking • Why a natural diet is best • Why diets don't work • Finding your triggers for overeating • Taking control again • Coping with eating and social situations • Your lifetime plan for keeping your weight under control
Breaking Free of Compulsive Overeating and Bulimia shows that there are simple, effective and enjoyable ways of overcoming compulsive eating and bulimia. Ruth Searle explores how sufferers can free themselves from addictive cravings, discover their social and psychological triggers and, instead of dieting, establish a lifetime plan of healthy eating and sensible exercise.
Asperger Syndrome in Adults
Increasing numbers of adults are being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, while children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders - an estimated 300,000 in the UK - are growing up.
Until recently, most information has been aimed at children with the condition, or parents. Asperger syndrome (AS) in adulthood brings different challenges, and, crucially, there are far fewer resources.
According to I Exist, the National Society for Autism's report on how the needs of autistic adults are ignored and 45% of councils have no process for managing how autistic adults receive support if they don't fulfill the criteria for either learning disability or mental health services. As a result, adults are left to cope alone - and often don't cope well, with depression and other mental health problems as the result. Conversely, some adults with Asperger syndrome have learned to cover up their problems, so signs of the condition will often be quite subtle.
This book addresses issues faced by adults with Asperger syndrome, and looks at the potential of these adults, exploring how they may contribute on their own terms.